Tarangire National Park

Tarangire National Park

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Tarangire national park is situated 120 km south of Arusha town, Tarangire is one of the must visit parks in Northern Tanzania, the principal vegetation cover of Tarangire national park is grassland, flooded plain, acacia trees and the baobab trees.

The Tarangire River of which the park’s name is derived from is one of the principal attraction of the park, the river provided the permanent water to the abundant wildlife residing inside the park especially during the dry season, and this makes Tarangire the second park with the largest concentration of wild animal’s after the Ngorongoro crater.

The common animals found in the park include wildebeest, lions, leopards, zebras, waterbucks, giraffe, gazelles, elephants, impala, gerenuk, lesser kudu and the beautiful fringe-eared Oryx. You may be lucky to spot the tree-climbing python, for which the park is famous, or the greater kudu and the roan antelope which are rare species in Tanzania. Over 450 bird species have been recorded in the Park.

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